Read three recent cases/articles relating to ethics in business communications.

Read three recent cases/articles relating to ethics in business communications.

Read three recent cases/articles relating to ethics in business communications. The three articles in this unit’s background reading involve Starbucks Download Starbucks, Abercrombie & Fitch Download Abercrombie & Fitch, and Kim Kardashian’s Download Kim Kardashian’s shapewear brand. If needed, do additional research to answer the questions below. Use the worksheet Download worksheet provided.
For each case, respond to the following prompts. Provide brief answers in complete sentences.
Do you consider the actions detailed in the case ethical, unethical, or a gray area? Explain your choice.
Which of the actions would you do? Why or why not?
Which would you feel uncomfortable doing, and why?
Which would you refuse to do and why?
Which ethical rights/standards may be violated by your action or inaction?
Describe any other impact that could be caused by this action/inaction.