Reading Response paragraph instructions: The reading response must be the studen

Reading Response paragraph instructions:
The reading response must be the studen

Reading Response paragraph instructions:
The reading response must be the student’s original work.
The reading response must be at least seven sentences in length.
The reading response must also include a supporting quote from the reading with a proper MLA citation.
The reading response must fully respond to the question/prompt posed.
I reduce points for submissions that contain spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and/or grammatical errors.
All submissions must be formatted in MS Word. I do not accept PDF files, Google Docs, or any other form of submission.
Failure to follow the instructions above will result in zero points earned.
You may not use any materials beyond the links and materials in the course modules and the course textbook, The Unfinished Nation, 10th.
NOTE: It is fine to use the first-person narrative in your reading responses. For example, “I think that…,” or “I find it interesting that …” or you can start your paragraph with a question such as “Why did…?” I am looking for my students to engage with the assigned reading from a personal perspective.

In Ch. 19. Read the section, Patterns of Popular Culture, “Yellow Journalism” (ebook page 470) and think about the motivations that might have urged political leaders AND the American press to clamor for war with Spain. Watch this short video below “What Sank the Maine?”
Historians now know that the explosion aboard the American ship, the Maine, was not because of Spain’s actions,
Answer the following question: How did the yellow press influence the public’s perception of the Spanish American War?