Reply to each post with 1-2 paragrapsh including references Post#1: Hannah The

Reply to each post with 1-2 paragrapsh including references
Post#1: Hannah

Reply to each post with 1-2 paragrapsh including references Post#1: Hannah The OPT model aids patient care by using the patient’s health state to determine the tests, diagnostics, and interventions in place accordingly. The basis of the model is to keep patients at the center of the care provided. This is done through a thorough health history and physical examination (Kuiper, 2016). Throughout all the care given to patients, we always consider the patient and their needs. This model is used most in exceptional circumstances, such as religious or cultural beliefs. Ensuring that we are taking a detailed history of religions and cultures is essential to the plan of care that we will provide.
The CCCR model considers the ICD-10 diagnosis of the patient and works with different domains to care for the patient appropriately. This model aims to give patients access to various care, including medical care services, coaching, and education. These services encourage patients to self-manage their condition (Kuiper, 2016). While working in the emergency department, we would help arrange referrals for patients, including physical therapy, home health, and other services, to give patients the resources they need to self-manage their care. This allows the patients to be self-sufficient rather than rely on others for their care.
Post#2: Emily The OPT, outcome-present state-test, is a guideline that provides a structure, procedure, and techniques for meeting numerous different needs for patient care in the context of the patient’s experiences (Kuiper, 2016). While providing care to many patients at a time, using the OPT model allows healthcare providers to analyze and interpret the various needs or issues and how they affect other demands; therefore, a pattern will be created to show what intervention can be implemented to find outcomes more efficiently. This model’s advantages are vital as it is patient-centered, and thinking skills are derived from clinical decisions, judgment, and clinical reasoning. I have used this model in caring for my patients and their families in a clinical setting by incorporating the patient’s story to see where and how it correlates with the information leading to their diagnosis. According to Seo et al. (2021), a study was conducted on nursing students using the OPT model to analyze the impact of a simulation nursing education program on clinical reasoning, problem-solving processes, self-efficacy, and clinical competency. The study was conducted over the course of two weeks and results have shown that utilizing the OPT model in nursing students has been incredibly effective in promoting clinical reasoning, problem-solving processes, self-efficacy, and clinical competency (Seo et al., 2021). The CCCR model stands for care coordination clinical reasoning. It demonstrates APRNs as care coordinators, allowing them to see themselves in a different role that solely enhances the nursing process and takes various factors into account, therefore providing an interprofessional practice. This model considers many things, such as the complexity and systems interactions of the patients, the care required, and the services provided (Kuiper et al., 2016). I like to think I have used this model in my past experiences as working in an outpatient orthopedic clinic, we account for our patients’ lives and their stories to provide the best intervention and treatment possible.