Research or Interview Paper Assignment Instructions Your paper will be at leas

  Research or Interview Paper Assignment Instructions
Your paper will be at leas

  Research or Interview Paper Assignment Instructions
Your paper will be at least 7 and at most 9 double-spaced pages for the main content (not including the cover page and reference page). 
For interview paper:
Steps for writing the interview paper:
a) Choose a topic in managerial economics.
Approved Managerial Economic Topic : Logistics demand forecasting 
b) Design at least 5 questions according to the topic.
Approved Interview Questions:
1- How do you integrate market trends into demand forecasting models?
2- Wha t metrics would you monitor to improve forecast accuracy over time?
3- Which statistical techniques do you find most effective for short-term vs. long term forecasting?
4- Forecasting for seasonal products can be challenging; what strategies do you employ to address this?
5- What role does collaboration with other departments play in your forecasting processes?
c) Contact a local or non-local company for an interview with a manager or executive. 
d) Conduct the interview for answers to your questions.
e) The paper must have 3 parts:
· The description of the company;
· Interview questions and answers; and
· Your comments.