RESEARCH PAPER REQUIREMENTS AND DEADLINES We are beginning a research paper of a

We are beginning a research paper of a

We are beginning a research paper of a different kind. Rather than writing an expository
essay where our purpose is to inform in an objective way, we will be gathering information that
will present an argument on a relevant issue. You will need to find facts, statistics, authoritative
opinion, documented research, and any other reliable evidence that you can find to defend your
position in comparison to other positions.
Your paper’s topic should be a social issue that we have in Louisiana.
The requirements for the paper and presentation are as follows:
 800-1200 words
o Double-spaced
o 12 point type
o Times New Roman
 At least 4 sources with the following stipulations:
o no more than one website from a broad search (you may use more than one .edu
o no Wikipedia (although you may start there and use their citations for help)
o You can use NY Times articles, Associated Press (AP) articles, National Public
Radio (NPR) articles, or any source found in the databases accessed through the
BRCC online library
 Properly formatted in-text citations and Works Cited page
 MLA documentation of every source used (NO EXCUSES)
 Final draft to be completed and submitted to Canvas
****Plagiarism is presenting other people’s thoughts and ideas as if they were your own. It is not
properly documenting the sources you use. Remember, this research paper is not a patchwork
quilt of other people’s ideas. It is your own ideas supported by authoritative sources. Plagiarism
is stealing. Plagiarism in the final draft will result in a failing grade on the research paper.