Topic: Financial

Topic: Financial Impact of immigrants on Florida’s economy Provide a one-page abstract with keywords on the topic above. The abstract summarizes the contents of the overall study, starting with the importance of the study, the purpose of the study, the research question (s), methodology, results, conclusions, and recommendations for the future. Descriiptions of the methodology should include the design, the sample, setting, and data collection and analysis methods. It is written in the future tense until the study is completed. This study must use a qualitative method approach. This study is also to use Public Administration and not Public Policy approach.
Chapter One: Introduction
Provide paper based on the topic given above and use qualitative method, public administration approach, and peer reviews to support the chapter. The purpose of Chapter One is to provide a framework for the research based on the topic given above. The chapter must create reader interest, provide a foundation for the problem that necessitates the research, overview the context of literature in which the research is founded, identify the importance of the research for a specific audience, and briefly introduce the research via the research questions. The Overview must clearly and concisely describe the contents and organization of the chapter.
Chapter One structure consist of: Overview, Background, Problem Statement, Purpose Statement, Significance of the Study, Research Questions (3), Definitions, and Summary. Here is detail descriiption of each paragraph heading:
The purpose of Chapter One is to provide a framework for the research. The chapter should create reader interest, provide a foundation for the problem that necessitates the research, overview the context of literature in which the research is founded, identify the importance of the research for a specific audience, and briefly introduce the research via the research questions. The Overview must clearly and concisely describe the contents and organization of the chapter. Background
The Background section educates the reader regarding the topic. Start this section by catching the reader’s attention. Use recent evidence from a brief selection of recent scholarly journal articles to engage your reader. The Background section then moves into an overview of the most relevant literature regarding the issue and provides a historical, social, and theoretical context regarding the issue. Remember that this is just an overview. The historical overview examines how the issue has evolved over time from the past to the present-day. The background’s historical overview should be well supported by an appropriate number of seminal scholarly journal articles and/or books. The conceptual and/or theoretical overview relates the issue to similar studies and discusses the theories that drive them. The theory discussion should be supported by the appropriate number of relevant scholarly journal articles and/or books. Conclude the Background section by summarizing the information and preparing the reader for the problem. You must include qualitative data to substantiate information presented. The Background section is approximately four pages long.
Problem Statement
The problem statement discusses how the literature may not have completely addressed the issue. For example, there may be controversy regarding mixed results from other studies, unexamined populations, lack of new testing instruments, etc. In other words, convince the reader that there is not enough research available to bring the issue to closure. The problem statement finds its “roots” in other studies and expands on their recommendations for further research. The problem statement should be well-supported by a brief discussion of recent scholarly journal articles or books. The problem statement ends with a declarative statement: “The problem is …” which is clearly supported by current literature. The Problem Statement section is approximately one page long.
Purpose Statement The purpose statement usually begins with, “The purpose of this study is…” The purpose statement gives the reader a quick overview on how you plan to help “solve the problem.” Once again, since the problem is a gap in the research on a particular issue, your purpose is simply to propose another research study. However, you need to be specific on what you plan to do. The purpose statement foreshadows the research question(s). The purpose statement includes the variables (i.e., Independent, Dependent and/or Control) and defines each of the variables. Dictionary definitions are not acceptable. Significance of the Study
At this point, the reader should be convinced that the issue is important, that there is a gap in the current research on the issue, and you have a proposed study to inform this gap. This section convinces the reader that the study will add to existing literature by building off of similar research that investigates the same issue. It includes a descriiption of the contributions that your study will make to the knowledge base or discipline, both theoretically and empirically. This section also includes a brief descriiption of how the study is important to other locations, organizations, general populations, or the sample being studied. References are very important here, as they lend additional credence and support for your study. All assertions in this section need to be well-supported by the literature. Research Questions
The proposed research questions need to be derived from the problem and purpose statements. A well-formulated research question (a) asks about the relationship/differences between two or more variables, (b) is stated clearly and in the form of a question, (c) is testable (i.e., possible to collect quantitative data to answer the question), and falisifiable (d) is replicatable (i.e., another researcher could obtain the same results using your data) (e) does not pose an ethical or moral problem for implementation, (f) is specific and restricted in scope (i.e., the aim is not to solve the world’s problems), and (g) identifies exactly what is to be solved. In addition, it should be noted that the research question informs the research design and statistical analysis. A typical dissertation contains one to three research questions. Research questions should be listed, each on a separate line. Example:
RQ1: What affect does country type (metro/suburban/rural) have on intergovernmental growth rate (IGR)?
RQ2: Controlling for political orientation (political), what affect does country type (metro/suburban/rural) have on intergovernmental growth rate (IGR)?
The final section of Chapter One can offer the reader discussion and descriiption of the terms pertinent to the study. For example, if the PhD candidate is studying political attitudes, the reader should understand what is meant, exactly, when the word “attitude” is used in the dissertation. Academic literature must be used to describe and justify the definitions used for each of the key terms in the project. If the dissertation utilizes abbreviations, the front matter of the dissertation should contain a list of abbreviations. This section should be written in paragraph form. Roadmap
Provide a brief “roadmap” for the reader, so the reader knows what to expect in forthcoming chapters and sections. Summary
Provide a summary of Chapter One.
Additional notes:
All contents provided must be original. No AI contents allowed. Paper will be checked for originality and AI violations via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. A low plagiarism percentage of 10 % and under is requested. Copy and paste is not acceptable; all work must be properly cited as per APA 7th edition. Paper should be approximately 20 pages double spaced in length. Length does not include title page or references. Paper should only include academic sources no more than 5 years old. Use scholarly sources only. No podcasts, no dictionaries, no international websites, no encyclopedias, or no magazines. Use public administration sources, not business sources.