Resources: 1.) READ: Chapter 4 in text book: (DISCOVERING the Bible BY ROBERT D

Resources: 1.) READ: Chapter 4 in text book: (DISCOVERING the Bible BY ROBERT D

Resources: 1.) READ: Chapter 4 in text book: (DISCOVERING the Bible BY ROBERT D BRANSON) 2.) WATCH: Introduction and Alignment The stories of the Patriarchs in Genesis 12-50 help us to understand God’s character in relations to people. Investigating major stories in Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph’s life is crucial to understanding the beginnings of Israel as a covenantal community. Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to: Analyze concepts illustrated in the early stories of Israel’s beginning as a covenantal community. Instructions: After reading and watching the assigned resources, answer the following questions, 1 paragraph for each question: 1.) What are the main points in Abraham’s story? 2.) What role does Isaac play in the Old Testament? 3.) What is the key story about Jacob? 4.) What is important to remember about Joseph? 5.) How do all of these stories connect and why are they important to the Old Testament?