Review the 2 included articles and videos from opposite ends of the news media s

Review the 2 included articles and videos from opposite ends of the news media s

Review the 2 included articles and videos from opposite ends of the news media spectrum on joe bidens state of the union speech, keep in minde the goal is to see how opposing parts of the news spectrum treat the same topic. From the left side please view… . From the right side please view… . Compare the similarities and contrast the differences between them.
Comparing –
1) What content do they have in common? What sources do they both use?
2) What biases in language and treatment do they share? Do both sides make the same assumptions?
3) Do they use similar bombastic, extreme, and over-the-top language? (maybe about the other side?)
4) What audience are they both trying to reach with their message?
5) Do they have a common “outside” group? (look for “us vs. them” language)
Contrasting –
1) What content do they share that the other doesn’t? What sources does one use, but not the other?
2) What biases in language and treatment does one use, but not the other? Does one side make assumptions? 3) What bombastic, extreme, and over-the-top language does only one side use? Even in a similar language, do they use the same terms but to mean different things?
4) Are they targeting a specific demographic of people with their message?
5) Does one side demonize a segment of the population? (look for demeaning, dehumanizing, or condescending language for this one)
Conclusion: How does media from either end of the spectrum work differently and similarly?
Format: 2 pages, no more than 2 and 1/2
Typed, paragraph format
Font: Times New Roman
Font size: 12
Spacing: 2.0
Use a six-paragraph format, example, Intro, Compare 1, Compare 2, Contrast 1, Contrast 2, Conclusion.