rite a 1200-word, research-and-analysis essay ( /-10%) specifically addressing t

rite a 1200-word, research-and-analysis essay ( /-10%) specifically addressing t

rite a 1200-word, research-and-analysis essay ( /-10%) specifically addressing the question below.
TOPIC: Research and compare John Dunning’s eclectic framework and Mathew’s LLL model as explanations of the internationalization of firms from emerging markets. Do they offer competing or complementary explanations?
General Instructions
Word Count: 1200-words.
This excludes: Cover Sheet, References, and Appendices. Word count should not be exceeded (an allowance of / – 10% of the stated value is allowed). Words submitted in excess of the
allowance will not be read and will not contribute to the grade awarded.
Referencing: The Harvard Reference Standard should be used for all submissions. Students
should familiarise themselves with the Harvard Referencing Standard Guide
Figures Tables: All figures and tables should be numbered, bear a clear descriiption, and note
any source(s) used in their creation.
1.1 Presentation and Submission of Assignment:
1. PLEASE SET YOUR MS WORD SETTINGS TO METRIC. Assignments should be typed using
Calibri (default) 11-point font (default) with 1.5-line spacing (you will need to set this as
the default is ‘single line’) and left-aligned text (default). Margins should be left at the
default (2.54cm) all around. The page size is to be set to A4 (depending on your region the
default may be ‘Letter’). All pages of the essay itself must be numbered in the right-hand
corner. Essays will probably be prepared in Word but are to be submitted in PDF format.
Structure: Students are reminded that essays should have a beginning, a middle, and an
end. Moreover, each paragraph should contain one point which is reasoned thoroughly and
explained well. Paragraphs should be linked appropriately to form a consistent narrative
Content: students must demonstrate: [i] knowledge of the subject area in question; [ii] the
ability to search out additional (relevant) material to that given in the lectures; [iii] the
ability to collate material into logical and coherent lines of reasoning in a critical and
analytical fashion; and [iv] the ability to inform the reader whilst answering the question.
Presentation: All essays must be typed. All Figures, Charts and Diagrams must be labelled
and referred to in the text.
I am attaching the grading rubrics so that the construction of the essay is on point