RR#4 Prompt: For your analysis section, consider 1 of these two questions: 1. C

RR#4 Prompt:
For your analysis section, consider 1 of these two questions:
1. C

RR#4 Prompt:
For your analysis section, consider 1 of these two questions:
1. Choose an aspect of the “guy code” to dissect. Where does this code stem from? In what ways can it be damaging?
2. Kimmel asserts that women do not have as rigid “codes” for femininity as men do for masculinity. Do you believe this is true? If not, is there a “girl code”?

Feeling some brain fog? Use one (or more) of these Key Questions to clear the cobwebs:
Can you personally relate to the topic? How so?
Do the thesis ideas remind you of any additional issues on the topic of gender?
Did any of the information provided surprise you?
Consider the scope of the research in the essay. Was it sufficient?
How did you feel reading the essay? (consider author’s use of pathos vs logos)
Were the premises sufficient to support the conclusion?
What effect did the tone, word choice, or structure have on the