Rubric: Spring 2024 Discussion Board Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion

Spring 2024 Discussion Board Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion

Spring 2024 Discussion Board Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFrequency
3 pts
Posts 3 or more entries.
2 pts
Posts only 2 entries.
1 pts
Posts only 1 entry.
0 pts
No posts or posts submitted after the deadline
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInitial Assignment Posting
3 pts
Posts well developed assignment that fully addresses and develops all aspects of the concept(s).
2 pts
Posts well developed assignment that addresses all aspects of the task; lacks full development of concept(s).
1 pts
Posts adequate assignment with superficial thought and preparation; doesn’t address all aspects of the concept(s).
0 pts
No posts or posts submitted after the deadline
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFollow up Postings
3 pts
Demonstrates analysis of others’ posts; extends meaningful discussion by building on previous posts.
2 pts
Elaborates on an existing posting with further comment or observation.
1 pts
Posts shallow contribution to discussion (e.g., agrees or disagrees); does not enrich discussion.
0 pts
No post or posts submitted after the deadline
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent Contribution
3 pts
Posts factually correct, reflective and substantive contribution; Advances discussion.
2 pts
Posts information that is factually correct; lacks full development of concept or thought.
1 pts
Repeats but does not add substantive information to the discussion.
0 pts
Posts information that is off-topic, incorrect, or irrelevant to discussion.
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProvides evidence-based resource(s) and describes any experiential support with each posting.
(Provides the name of the evidence-based resource.)
3 pts
Provides the name of the evidence-based resource(s) for each posting. Provides experiential support as appropriate.
2 pts
Provides the name of the evidence-based resource(s) for some postings. Provides experiential support as appropriate.
1 pts
Provides the name of the evidence-based resource(s) for one post. Provides experiential support as appropriate.
0 pts
Does not provide the name of the evidence-based resource(s) for any posting. Does not provides experiential support as appropriate.
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity & Mechanics
3 pts
Contributes to discussion with clear, concise comments formatted in an easy to read style that is free of grammatical or spelling errors.
2 pts
Contributes valuable information to discussion with minor clarity or mechanics errors.
1 pts
Communicates in friendly, courteous and helpful manner with some errors in clarity or mechanics.
0 pts
Posts long, unorganized or rude content that may contain multiple errors or may be in
3 pts
Total Points: 18
Discussion Board #3 – Quality Improvement (SLO #2, EOPSLO #4)
33 unread replies.33 replies.
Click the link below then choose two topics and discuss examples of 1-5 below in your submission online. The two topics do not have to correlate with one another. (Links to an external site.)
Quality Improvement is a constant in nursing practice, and involves:
Quality organizations (ANA, OSHA, CDC, etc.) – Example: What do any of these type organizations have to say about this topic or do they have a plan/initiative to improve this topic/problem?
Collaborative activity/teamwork – Example: How does collaboration between members of the healthcare team have an impact on this topic? (management, staff, other fields, etc.)
Research and measurement/evidence based practice – Example: What does evidence based practice/current research have to say about this topic/problem?
Client Advocacy/protecting clients – Example: How do we advocate for/protect clients from this topic/problem affecting them?
Continued education on quality practices/in-services, healthstream – Example: What is available? How can/what are some ways we can continue education on this topic?