Scenario You are working for an academic medical center as a clinical pharmacist

Scenario You are working for an academic medical center as a clinical pharmacist

Scenario You are working for an academic medical center as a clinical pharmacist. You work closely with the multidisciplinary medical team that includes a variety of learners, including medical and pharmacy residents and students. You also provide continuing education for other pharmacists at your hospital. You take care of a lot of patients that present for similar reasons, but now and again, there is a very unique patient where you have to do a literature search and find data outside of guidelines to inform your practice. Since you go through all of this work to assess the patient and the literature and provide a thorough recommendation to the medical team, you want to share what you have learned with other pharmacists. You need to prepare a formal PowerPoint presentation to present to your colleagues that will supplement your verbal presentation. The purpose of this assignment is to gain practice giving a formal presentation about a unique patient case, including background about the disease state, review the patient-specific information, and describe a thorough therapeutic plan for the particular patient. These activities are common during APPEs and in clinical practice. This is another APPE readiness competency. As pharmacists, we need to look at the whole patient – not just their physical needs – and examine how we can provide care for them. We see the example of Jesus caring for all kinds of patient needs – spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional. Each student has been assigned a patient case for which he/she will develop a PowerPoint presentation that will be delivered to a faculty member and two to four classmates. You will be assessed on the content of your presentation and the verbal presentation of your recommendation using the rubric provided in Canvas. Students should work on this assignment independently.