SEE ASSESSMENT 3 INSTRUCTIONS By completing this assessment, you will demonstra

By completing this assessment, you will demonstra

SEE ASSESSMENT 3 INSTRUCTIONS By completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
Competency 2: Plan quality improvement initiatives in response to routine data surveillance.
Analyze data to identify a healthcare issue or area of concern as it relates to a state, national, or accreditation benchmark requirement.
Outline a quality improvement initiative proposal based on a selected healthcare issue or area of concern and supporting data analysis to improve identified dashboard metrics.
Competency 4: Integrate interprofessional perspectives to lead quality improvements in patient safety, cost-effectiveness, and work-life quality.
Integrate interprofessional perspectives and specify actions to lead quality improvements in patient safety, cost-effectiveness, and work-life quality.
Competency 5: Apply effective communication strategies to promote quality improvement of interprofessional care.
Apply effective collaboration strategies to promote quality improvement of interprofessional care.