Software link below :

Software link below :

Software link below :
As i need u to develop the following :
This section examines the business’s inputs, processing, and outputs of the software reviewed. Software to be reviewed should follow the given assignment to each group. Students should use the official website, websites that review the software against other competing software or journal articles that provide scientific evidence if available.
2.1 Business processes
This section discusses what the student understands the business processes, and functions the software supports.
2.2 Data handled
This section discusses what the student understands the data that the software handles. This includes data as input into the software, and output information. If in doubt, students should consult the instructor.
List down all the URLs and article citations. Use AMA style. For the milestone report, students should show all website URLs in this section. Relevant article(s) references in credible journals is an advantage to the student. Consult the AMA style here:,)%2C%20unlike%20MLA%20or%20APA.
See attachment for the evaluation criteria