Step 1 – Complete the following tasks: The first part of this assignment will b

Step 1 – Complete the following tasks:
The first part of this assignment will b

Step 1 – Complete the following tasks: The first part of this assignment will be to complete the active learning activity in your course textbook. This assignment’s active learning activity is called “Observation or Interpretation” To locate this activity in your textbook, please search for the title provided in Ch.3. See the textbook for full instructions. After you complete the active learning activity, briefly summarize your observations (and interpretations). Be sure to include information from both the video and photos you observed. Also, briefly describe your experience conducting narrative research (specifically using narrative descriptions). (1 paragraph; 250 words)
Answer the following discussion questions: Based on your observations and the information you learned this week, 1) Why is observation important in the study of children and adolescents? 2) What special precautions must be used when our observation participants are children? 3)What advantage does this method have over questionnaires and interviews? Be sure to explain your answer to the discussion questions using key concepts, ideas or facts that you learned about this week in addition to your own experiences. Here are some example sentence starters for your explanation: On page xx, it states . . . According to our text, research suggests…This activity reminds me of…
Lastly, don’t forget to include your in-text citation (Author, Year, page #) as mentioned in the active learning guide to success rubric.Textbook link:…