Step 2 Identify Customers A large number of people and organizations influence

Step 2
Identify Customers
A large number of people and organizations influence

Step 2
Identify Customers
A large number of people and organizations influence and are influenced by the fire
department. The key to success when shifting to customer-focused strategic planning is to
identify all of the customers
Adapted from Dr. Carol Lynn Anderson: Customer-Focused Strategic Planning Workbook 10
Step 2
Identify Customers
A large number of people and organizations influence and are influenced by the fire
department. The key to success when shifting to customer-focused strategic planning is to
identify all of the customers.
 Fire Commissioner
 Chief of Operations
 Fire Marshal
 Deputy and District Fire Chief
 Safety Chief
 Fire Captain
 Fire Lieutenant
File and Rank Personnel
 Senior Fire Fighter
 Fire Fighter
 Aide to Chief Officer
 All other Fire Fighting Personnel
 Support staff members and office