Students will interview a health informatics professional and submit a PowerPoin

Students will interview a health informatics professional and submit a PowerPoin

Students will interview a health informatics professional and submit a PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the interview.
The interview should take between 15 and 30 minutes, and must be live (in-person, virtual [e.g. Zoom], or telephonic). The interview should cover the following topics regarding the interviewee:
Background – title, responsibilities, years in position, and preparation for the position
Informatics role – provider, consumer, or both of health information, including associated description
View of health informatics challenges, including description of why they are challenges
View of health informatics future evolution, including how they perceive the evolution to occur
Preparation advice for an aspiring health informatics professional
The PowerPoint Presentation should have a slide for each of the topics, plus slides for your reaction to the interviewee’s comments regarding health informatics challenges and future evolution based on what you have learned in this course. Slides should be visibly comprehensible, avoiding lengthy quantities of text.Any health informatics professional is fine. You can make it up.