Summarize this videos: https://youtu

Summarize this videos:

Summarize this videos:

Create an outline in preparation for your second essay analyzing the videos you read/watched about the role of mobile devices and connectivity in our daily lives.
Introduction paragraph. Write 1-3 sentences that name the videos, and author’s names. Body Paragraph #1: Pick the videos and summarize it in a few sentences. Then, craft a topic sentence that explains what you want to say about this article/video. If you have a second point you want to make (for a separate body paragraph), include that topic sentence, too. Include any supporting details from the text or personal stories you may want to share. Body Paragraph #2: Pick the videos and summarize it in a few sentences. Then, craft a topic sentence that explains what you want to say about this article/video. If you have a second point you want to make (for a separate body paragraph), include that topic sentence, too. Include any supporting details from the text or personal stories you may want to share. Body Paragraph #3: Pick the videos and summarize it in a few sentences. Then, craft a topic sentence that explains what you want to say about this article/video. If you have a second point you want to make (for a separate body paragraph), include that topic sentence, too. Include any supporting details from the text or personal stories you may want to share. Remember, your overall purpose should be to explain what these texts discuss, then share your opinion about the topic discussed in the texts. Provide examples from the text in
addition to your own experiences and observations in support of your thinking.
Now that you have your body paragraph topic sentences, see if you can combine them or reword them to create a thesis statement for your introduction paragraph.