Technology and Caring Assignment With the increased use of technology in healthc

Technology and Caring Assignment
With the increased use of technology in healthc

Technology and Caring Assignment
With the increased use of technology in healthcare settings, there is concern that nursing practice will shift from being a patient-centered model of care to one that is much more task oriented with a huge focus on technology, i.e. computer documentation, text messaging, use of Artificial Intelligence. etc. Nurse leaders are now concerned that their staff spend more time with the computer than with their patients. What can be lost in this process is the human contact, presence and face to face connection between patient and nurse. There is a strong need to make sure that authentic caring is preserved and a healing environment is maintained. The goal of this assignment is to evaluate the impact of technology on caring in your own work setting. You MUST include a caring theory as a foundation for your discussion. You are then asked to make specific leadership recommendations identifying creative, innovative ideas for seamless integration of computer technology into the patient care environment with the goal of preserving authentic caring.
There are three parts to this assignment.
Part 1
Do a brief literature review on this topic using resources provided in the course and other journal articles.
Part 2
Interview 3 nurses in your current work setting, previous work setting, or if you are currently not working, 3 nursing colleagues, asking them the following questions about their experiences with technology and computers:
How is technology and the use of innovations in your work setting impacting your nursing practice?
Is technology influencing your ability to be authentically present with patients in either a negative or positive way? How?
Based on your experiences, what changes would you suggest to create an environment where you could remain present and caring for your patients while still utilizing technology.
Part 3
Summarize your findings and your own recommendations for change in a 5-10 page paper in APA format that includes the following sections; Please use the subheadings.
Background – which includes, current state of nursing, a review of the literature. What impact does innovative technology play in relation to the profession? The importance of caring as one of the essential domains of the nursing profession. (3 points)
Discussion – A summarization of your interview findings – include some quotes. What I do NOT want to see are paragraphs devoted to Interviewee #1 said this, Interviewee #2 said that. Instead the discussion is INTEGRATED. What do they agree on, what do they disagree on, how are they the same, how are they different. (5 points)
Nursing Implications Your leadership recommendations about how to create a more caring environment in a technological age. (2 points) Include a caring nursing theory to ground your leadership actions. (2 points)
Summary – a brief paragraph tying everything together. (1 point)
APA format/ Grammar/Syntax, Spelling/References – 6-8 references please. APA format is essential here and throughout the paper. You may NOT use your textbooks as references. (2 points) Remember references must be current meaning, within the last 5 years, no older than 8 years.