The Department of Homeland Security is the third largest Cabinet agency with the

The Department of Homeland Security is the third largest Cabinet agency with the

The Department of Homeland Security is the third largest Cabinet agency with the missions of protecting the country against another terrorist attack, responding to threats and hazards, ensuring safe and secure borders, welcoming lawful immigrants and visitors, and promoting the free-flow of commerce.
Over the years, accomplishing mission success has presented many challenges to DHS managers and employees. For example, there have been organizational challenges including questionable leadership decisions and capabilities, organizational failures, overwhelmed response and communications systems, and inadequate statutory authorities.
Future DHS management challenges will likely include counterterrorism, catastrophic disaster response and recovery, cyber security, technology infusion and acquisition, financial management, infrastructure protection, border security, and transportation security.
Select the top three major management challenges facing the Department of Homeland Security in the next 10 years. How should DHS plan to address these challenges, and support with examples and provide recommendations and possible solutions?
There are no right or wrong answers but you must support your response with critical thinking, relevant examples, and cited sources.
Post a substantive initial response (300 words minimum not including citations) to the initial discussion question.
Each reply post must be a minimum of 100 words not including citations.
Your posts must be based on factual academic information (not personal opinion) supported with citations to at least two (2) academic references in addition to the course materials. This is to demonstrate that you read and understood the assigned readings and all prior postings by the instructor and other students.
Please use the correct APA format in citing any source material you use. Refer to the APA Manual link posted in the Discussion area.