The final project will help you synthesize what we’ve learned in this course and

The final project will help you synthesize what we’ve learned in this course and

The final project will help you synthesize what we’ve learned in this course and demonstrate your knowledge of the course content. For the final project, you will position yourself as a classroom teacher and design a survey for your emergent bilingual students to learn about their backgrounds, experiences, interests, needs, etc. In a group of two or three, you will design 10 questions to include in the survey. Each question will be followed by a rationale paragraph explaining (1) what information is collected from the question, (2) why you believe the information is important for you to know as a teacher, and (3) how you will use the information to facilitate learning and teaching. You will cite at least one course reading in each rationale paragraph. The questions could be open-ended questions or close-ended questions, and each rationale paragraph should be about 250 words.
In the concluding section, you will explain how you plan to conduct the survey. In particular, you will respond to the following questions:
To Whom will you give this survey? What are their grade level and English proficiency level(s)?
When do you plan to have the students complete the survey and why? (e.g., the first day of school so that you can collect information as soon as possible? wait until the students feel more comfortable?)
How do you want the students to fill out the survey (on their own, in pairs/groups, with parents…) and why?
What accommodations/support will you provide if the students do not understand the questions or do not know how to respond to the questions in writing?
The concluding section should be about 250 words. The deadline for submission is 3/11 (Mon.) by 5:00 PM. No late submission will be accepted. Please check the Canvas for more information about this assignment.
Common Q&A
1. Can I use videos that we watched in class to justify my rationale for the question design?
Yes. “course readings” include the media resources that we use in class. However, no slides should be cited. Slides are my synthesis of the course readings and you should cite the original source instead of my interpretation.
2. Do I need to include a separate list of questions as if we are giving out the survey to the students?
No. Each question followed by the rationale plus the administration paragraph will work.
part 2 Answer the below questions (contextualized in lecture slide). Answer all questions in your own words, only! I’m interested in your initial responses to the questions vs. you researching them and providing an answer. Verbatim responses from lecture slides will not get marks. 1. Explain the difference between equity and equality
2. What does an equitable society look like?
3. How do you decide which organizations you would pick to receive funding? Explain the criteria you would use to evaluate the applications and make your decision.
4. Do you think the funds should go to the most pressing needs in the community or go to initiatives that will (at a smaller level) improve the lives of everyone in the community? Equally allocated? Why or why not? 5. Do you divert the train to run over one person, or allow it to continue to run over 5 persons?
6. Do you 1) adopt the proposal; 2) adopt the proposal under certain conditions; or 3) reject the proposal? Why or not? Attempt to use the ethical theories to justify your position. (Introduce Plain Packaging on All Tobacco Products)
7. Do you 1) adopt the proposal; 2) adopt the proposal under certain conditions; or 3) reject the proposal? Why or not? Attempt to use the ethical theories to justify your position. (Mandate COVID-19 vaccines for all healthcare workers interacting with patients)
8. Do you 1) adopt the proposal; 2) adopt the proposal under certain conditions; or 3) reject the proposal? Why or not? Attempt to use the ethical theories to justify your position. (Ban Alcohol Advertisements)
9. Do you 1) adopt the proposal; 2) adopt the proposal under certain conditions; or 3) reject the proposal? Why or not? Attempt to use the ethical theories to justify your position. (Phase Out Sale of Tobacco to Persons Born After 2010)
10. Do you 1) adopt the proposal; 2) adopt the proposal under certain conditions; or 3) reject the proposal? Why or not? Attempt to use the ethical theories to justify your position. (Tax Sugary Drinks)