The first part of your mid-term assignment is to create a website. A website is

The first part of your mid-term assignment is to create a website. A website is

The first part of your mid-term assignment is to create a website. A website is one of the greatest advertising tools for a company. It encompasses brand, creative writing (content), imagery, and strategic thinking. For this assignment, you will:
Create a website for a local, nonprofit Cincinnati organization
Choose a platform to host your website (,,, etc.). These platforms are FREE!
You will be designing the the following pages: Landing (Home), About Us, and a Reference Page (as a tab on your website). For your company’s website. It should include the following:
Brand identity (theme) that you have already identified
Creative content
Reference page for your resources (photographs, etc.)
You will also be writing a paper that addresses the following:
What is the goal of your website?
Who is your target market?
How did you incorporate your brand elements into the design of your website?
Describe the role of creativity (design and content) in your website.
What worked well? What didn’t work so well? As a marketing manager in charge of your brand and website design, what would you do differently if you could re-work your website?
Should be at least two-pages in length. There is a lot of content that will need to be addressed.
Please remember to cite all photographs, websites, and resources used in your project. Your total project (website and analysis) will be worth 150 points. This is a creative assignment, so have FUN!
Please include the link to your website. You can embed it in your Word document.