The revised draft is the culmination of all the work you have completed so far i

The revised draft is the culmination of all the work you have completed so far i

The revised draft is the culmination of all the work you have completed so far in the project: invention, research, feedback, and revision. Your revised profile should be a substantial revision of your feedback draft.
Step 1: Revise the Content of Your Profile
Substantially revise the content of your profile using the feedback you have received from your instructor, peers, and Writing Mentor (if applicable).
Step 2: Polish Your Draft
Spend time polishing your draft (editing to correct surface errors, proofreading line by line, etc.).
Step 3: Assess Your Revision Process
Review the feedback you received throughout the profile project. Then, at the end of your profile document, write a one-page self-assessment of your revision process, in which you:
Explain your process of deciding how to act on the feedback you received. What aspects of your project did you decide to revise and why?
Compare this draft to the feedback draft you previously submitted. What major changes will your instructor notice about this new, revised draft?
Include the self-assessment within your draft document. Make sure it is clearly separated from your draft, ideally on a new page. Do not include it as a separate document or in the “Comments” area.
Note: Your self-assessment does not count toward the 1000-word minimum for your profile draft.
Submission Requirements
In a single Word document or PDF file, include the following two components:
A complete revised draft of your profile, including multimodal components.
A one-page self-assessment, included at the end of your draft document.
All written work should be in a 12-pt font and double-spaced.