The Super Bowl is one of the most watched programs on US television (2023 audien

The Super Bowl is one of the most watched programs on US television (2023 audien

The Super Bowl is one of the most watched programs on US television (2023 audience was 115 million) as well as being the number one program in the US television of all time. As students of marketing, you should be aware of what placing your client’s message on this program may provide in terms of visibility and audience. The price tag in 2023 was $7 million for a :30 second spot and supposedly it will be the same this year – that is a lot of money to use for a single placement so is this beneficial for a client? Think about how broad the viewing demographic is, how large it is, and the positive frame of mind of those watching (particularly in the front end before the game outcome is determinable). Over 43% of the viewers are watching specifically to see the advertising as it is the most creative and innovative of the year.
Also think about the IMC (Integrated Marketing Communication) plan that you have prepared, or will prepare for your client, and how this placement might fulfill a goal in this plan. Certainly it will provide great visibility for your client and a good platform on which to present any eco-aware and ethical goals that you are envisioning your client may benefit from.
And you MUST include your observations and not just provide a sterile internet style discussion – what do YOU think? Be insightful and articulate – make this a substantial discussion. Please also include a reference to a 2024 spot that you found most appealing/effective/compeling and why.
Please do not exceed 500 words, run this through spell check/grammar check as the college has made a commitment to “writing across the curriculum” and we are to consider that in grading, and post onto blackboard.