The vast majority of U.S.-based journalists today use social media sites in thei

The vast majority of U.S.-based journalists today use social media sites in thei

The vast majority of U.S.-based journalists today use social media sites in their work.
But even as they appreciate the ways it can be helpful with several reporting tasks, most journalists think social media is having a negative impact on journalism as a whole – and one-third report being harassed on these platforms by someone outside their organization.
For this assignment, analyze a recent report by Pew Research Center and think about the contradictions of the statement above.
Part 1 (80 points)
1. Read: Many journalists say social media helps at work, but most decry its impact on journalismLinks to an external site.
2. Next, write ten (10) takeaways from this Pew Research report that you found surprising or useful as a media editor and show a working knowledge of the data presented.
Each takeaways must be two (2) complete sentences.
Part 2 (20 points)
1. In a minimum 225-word mini-essay, describe your impressions of the Pew Research article and offer suggestions on how journalists can thrive in social media to expand audiences and avoid harassment.
Writing Style Paragraphs should be indented and not exceed three (3) complete sentences
Blocks of type will be penalized
Use a keyboard and computer for this assignment