There are three lessons: -Nature of the governance issue and ethical considerat

There are three lessons:
-Nature of the governance issue and ethical considerat

There are three lessons:
-Nature of the governance issue and ethical considerations in private companies
– Board of Directors
The three questions that need to be answered in the essay are listed below:
1. Discuss the forms of corporate governance used in a different part of the world and how/why those structures have been developed due to differences in culture, legal systems, tax methods and methods of measuring performance. You have seen the Anglo/American, Germanic and Japanese approaches in the materials so do not duplicate by examining those countries. You might instead, for example, show how a different country has adopted a modified version of one of these three models.
2. You could look at the Board of Directors in terms of their influence on corporate governance. What is the role of independent directors, how are internal Board committees arranged, what are your thoughts regarding the need for greater diversity on the typical corporate board?
3. The topic of executive incentives/compensation seems to fascinate many observers. How are they paid and what are your thoughts regarding the observation of many that the pay is excessive? How does it relate to governance?
All the files to help write the paper are attached.