These questions are designed to help you think through your approach to revision

These questions are designed to help you think through your approach to revision

These questions are designed to help you think through your approach to revision of your draft, taking into consideration the goals of the project and the comments of your instructor.
How can I develop my definitions of the following terms to ensure that I have adequately expressed the concepts I am defining? (Keep in mind that I want these definitions to be yours, but still supported with the readings we’ve done):Rhetoric
Discourse Community
How many pieces of evidence (sources) have I supplied to support my definitions? Is that evidence adequate, in your opinion?
What evidence have I supplied to establish that my community satisfies the criteria of a discourse community provided by Swales? Is that evidence adequate? How could I strengthen this component of my essay?
Are the examples and observations I use from my discourse community useful, detailed, and relevant? How can I tie my examples/observations more directly to the terms and concepts I am defining?
Based on what I know and have learned about academic writing, is my essay effective and representative of academic writing style? Do I have a clear purpose and supporting topic sentences? Are all my sources cited in-text and on a References/Works Cited page? How can I make my essay more effectively written?
below i attatched 2 files that are related to this assignment which will let you know what to write about