This assignment is aligned with the following course learning objectives: Demons

This assignment is aligned with the following course learning objectives:

This assignment is aligned with the following course learning objectives:
Demonstrate proficiency in critical thinking, information literacy and communication.
Exercise our global socio-cultural responsibility.
Recognize the relationships between cultural expressions and their contexts.
Understand cultural expressions.
Interpret and evaluate cultural artifacts and/or their contexts for significance.
Understand the cultural significance of [1400-1600’s artistic production].
I. Select and Research: After studying the assigned material in Module 5, select, research and examine one (1) of the following pieces.
1. Donatello’s David
2. Botticelli’s Birth of Venus
3. Leonardo’s Mona Lisa
4. Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam
5. Raphael’s Portrait of Maddalena Donni
6. Van Eyck’s Arnolfini Portrait
7. Fouquet’s Madonna and Child Surrounded by Angels
8. Massys’ An Old Woman (‘The Ugly Duchess’)
9. Dürer’s Madonna and Child (c. 1496/1499)
10. Vermeer’s Girl with the Pearl Earring
11. Caravaggio’s Head of Medusa
12. Bernini’s David
II. Discuss. Your discussion must approach each of the following:
Step 1: Observe – Describe what you see in the artwork, even if it seems odd, or if you do not know what it is. What do you see? What colors are used? Are there any unknown objects? What is in the background? What catches your attention?
Please note: Step 1 is a visual exercise, not a content analysis. Do not go into the meanings and messages in the artwork. Just focus on what you see ?
Step 2: Analyze – Discuss the most prevalent (dominant) visual elements and principles of design (studied in Module 1) as they are used in the artwork. Approach the following as they apply: How is color, light, and line used? How about shape, texture, space and balance? Does your eye move through the artwork in a specific way? Is there emphasis?
Step 3: Interpret – Is the artist trying to convey a particular message; what would that be? Does it make me feel a particular emotion? Does it have a particular meaning or significance in its social, political, or cultural context
Step 4: Meme it! – Create a meme with your selected image, approaching any aspect of our class or FSCJ in general. Have fun, but always be respectful.
In order to comply with all required approaches, I suggest you use this template: Template – Meme me! Assignment. Download Template – Meme me! Assignment.
I strongly suggest you use the template provided above so you cover all your bases.
Your assignment must be submitted in your own words. Copy/paste from the web or any other sources is unacceptable. Please paraphrase any information taken from other sources.
The work must be submitted as a .doc or .pdf document. The template helps with easy organization.
The work should not exceed 300-500 words (roughly 1-2 pages), double-spaced, in Arial or Times New Roman font. Additional pages may be necessary for the list of sources.
Sources: You must include at least three (3) sources used for your research, including those used to get the image. All sources must be presented at the end of your work in MLA (LibGuide available here) or Chicago style (LibGuide available here). Please refrain from using opinion-based sources (such as blogs or social media), as they may not be academically credible.
Your meme should be of about 3″ x 3″.