This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions Module 7 Final Exam

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions Module 7 Final Exam

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions Module 7 Final Exam Instructions for this assignment: Perform a literary search on a disease/illness of your choice. Once you have chosen a disease you will compose an 800-1000-word paper of this disease/illness. You should prepare this in APA format times new roman 12-point font. Locate the attached formatted academic paper template for your use. This file is already formatted and you only need to download, save, and then open and began typing directly into it. Please include the following I your paper: Title page Introductory paragraph which should include clear purpose statement and why you chose this disease Name of disease/illness Prevalence Etiology Mortality Morbidity rate Pathophysiology Treatment (Be sure to include any controversies pertaining to treatment modalities if applicable) Nursing care Prognosis Prevention if possible Current research underway Any other pertinent or interesting information Conclusion Paragraph Reference page Please review the assignment rubric before you begin. This assignment must include a minimum of three scholarly sources to support your writing. Added is an formatted academic paper for you use. Grading Criteria: This assignment will be graded using the BSN assignment grading rubric located within the grading criteria module. This is your final exam for this course which is 20% of your overall grade for this course. This assignment is worth 100 points. Learning Outcomes: Identify nursing research related to pathophysiological processes of major systems Analyze clinical data to predict usual clinical manifestations of common disorders Provide rationale for interventions use to correct given physiological deficit Predict consequences of interventions for common disorders The originality score from turnitin must be no more than 24% before it will be graded. Due on Feb 28, 2024 11:59 PM Attachments Formatted_academic_paper_template-1.doc (35 KB) Hide Rubrics Rubric Name: Assignment Rubric- RN to BSN Criteria Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Criterion Score Criterion 1 Quality of Work submitted: The extent to which work meets the assigned criteria and reflects BSN level analysis and content requirements. 80 points 80 to 61 points Assignment exceeds expectations. All questions are addressed with a minimum of 85% containing exceptional breadth and depth about each of the assignment topics. Applies scholarly sources to support answers. 60 points 60 to 50 points Assignment meets expectations. All topics are addressed with a minimum of 50% containing good breadth and depth about each of the assignment topics. 49 points 49 or less points Assignment superficially meets some of the expectations. One or more required topics are either not addressed or inadequately addressed. Score of Criterion 1 Quality of Work submitted: The extent to which work meets the assigned criteria and reflects BSN level analysis and content requirements.,/ 80 Criterion 2 Paragraphs make clear points that support well developed ideas, flow logically. Sentences are clearly structured and follow appropriate English Writing style and standards: correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation 10 points 10 to 7 points Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards 90% of the time. Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with (1-2) errors. 6 points 6 to 3 points Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards 75% of the time Contains several (<5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. 2 points 2 to 0 points Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards <75% of the time. Contains many (extensive) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding. Score of Criterion 2 Paragraphs make clear points that support well developed ideas, flow logically. Sentences are clearly structured and follow appropriate English Writing style and standards: correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation,/ 10 Criterion 3 The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in- text citations, and reference list. 10 points 10 to 7 points Contains a few (1-2) APA format errors. 6 points 6 to 3 points Contains several (< 5) APA formatting errors. 2 points 2 to 0 points Contains extensive APA formatting errors. Score of Criterion 3 The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in- text citations, and reference list.,/ 10 Timely Submission 0 points 0 point deduction: Assignment Submitted by due date 0 points 5 points deducted for each day the assignment is late 0 points Score of Timely Submission,/ 0 Total Score of Assignment Rubric- RN to BSN,/ 100 Overall Score Level 3 85 points minimum Level 2 75 points minimum Level 1 0 points minimum Submit Assignment Files to submit (0) file(s) to submit After uploading, you must click Submit to complete the submission. Comments