This exercise will require you to formulate (write) the Background Information s

This exercise will require you to formulate (write) the Background Information s

This exercise will require you to formulate (write) the Background Information section of a psychological report. In order to accomplish this please follow these instructions:
1. Review the Psychological Report Format that we discussed last week and that is posted on Canvas, paying particular attention to the Background Information section.
2. Write a Background Section. You can interview someone (do not use real names) to obtain this information or fabricate the information (yes, you can make up the information).
3. Use this attached example as a guide BACKGROUND INFORMATION
Sebastian has long struggled with his academic performance and proper social behavior. His
relationship with both parents is complex and he often is torn between both. His ability to maintain
motivation in his schoolwork is of concern and recommendations will be made with these factors in
mind. The most pressing concern at this time is his use of illegal substances (marijuana).
Medical and Development History: Pregnancy and birth history: Sebastian’s mother reported that she
was 29 and his father was 31 at the time of his birth. There were no complications of pregnancy or
delivery reported and he was born by Caesarean section. His birth weight was normal; but he
experienced some jaundice following birth.
Developmental history: Sebastian experienced sleep difficulties as an infant, rarely sleeping for more
than 2 to 3 hours at a time. His appetite was also reported as poor. Developmental milestones were
reported as within normal range for language and gross motor development. However, he has poor fine
motor coordination, especially for writing. Development of bladder and bowel control at night was also
somewhat late. He had numerous accidents as a child including with soccer, skateboard and moped.
These resulted in numerous broken bones.
Medical history: He had the usual childhood illnesses of chickenpox, ear infections and strep throat.
Family and Social History: Mary Smith is Sebastian’s biological mother and currently serves as an
administrative assistant. She indicated that she has no learning or attention problems. Sebastian Smith
(Sr.) is Sebastian’s biological father. According to Mrs. Smith, he is unemployed much of the time. When
they were married, he worked at grocery stores, gasoline stations as a gas attendant, and at a carwash.
He is reported as being violent with her and on a few occasions with Sebastian. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are
divorced. Sebastian has a step brother, Lucas, who is described as hyperactive and displays poor
handwriting. Mrs. Smith reports a history of depression on both sides of the family.