This is a class discussion post. This is a classmate’s post, please agree or dis

This is a class discussion post. This is a classmate’s post, please agree or dis

This is a class discussion post. This is a classmate’s post, please agree or disagree and state why. Provide references as well. Respond in 50 words with each statements. 100 words in all.
1) During the short time I was part of the retail industry, I was able to learn quite a bit of things. Since I often took part in organizing meetings between each of the level’s present leadership, I was able to witness and learn how certain issues and topics were addressed and concluded. We had one goal to increase our sales from the last year, even on a month-by-month comparison. There was also the goal to produce more positive customer reviews that are typically made after a purchase was made. I took noticed that when these goals were passed down to managers, they were very well detailed with what they did. In addition, it appeared as though goals were adopted to fit the manager teams by own the goal itself as well as the skillset. From my position, I would say that the company’s goals aligned well the business strategies. The management leadership style was somewhat of a laissez-e-faire as they were relatively lenient with their approach. As far as I can tell the goal were received.
2)Throughout the 25 years that I have been working, I have observed various types of leadership styles. I have noticed that the types of leadership tend to change alongside the global attitude towards work culture. In my personal experience, I work best under the contingency style leadership that is evident in the path-goal theory and leader substitute model (Jones & George, 2022). I appreciate working on task goals with my supervisor while also having the freedom to work autonomously.
During my 6 years of working at my current organization, I have witnessed several leadership styles depending on the situation. At the heart of my organization, the leaders are servant leaders who use reward power, the path-goal theory, and the leader substitute to a certain extent (Jones & George, 2022). The top managers globally remain relationship and task-oriented, and they tend to be transformational in their level of commitment to the employees and the work culture that they strive to maintain even in challenging situations.
When the pandemic hit, the executives at my company were excellent at keeping the staff informed and involved in decision-making. As someone who works in accounts receivable, there was a time when our aging brackets were higher than usual for a prolonged period. My manager and I, along with other teams such as sales and legal, collaborated to identify gaps in support and how to relay critical information to clients to ensure timely payments. Since our clients are some of the biggest in the world, maintaining good client relations is essential. We worked together and even consulted with some of our bigger clients to find ways to bridge the gap and make account and payment transitions smoother for everyone.
My team and I remained true to our core values, which prioritize providing for the client and empowering the work team. Within six months, we were able to reduce our aging bracket from 60% to 2-4%, where it has remained for the last four months or so.