This is an open-book exam on all 22 chapters of Twelve Years a Slave: you may us

This is an open-book exam on all 22 chapters of Twelve Years a Slave: you may us

This is an open-book exam on all 22 chapters of Twelve Years a Slave: you may use your copy of Northup, but you may not use any other resources. You must include references from throughout the entire text, include page numbers for all examples and quotations, and you must say which edition of Northup you used. Words of other people must be enclosed in quotation marks. Your answer (ANSWER ALL EXAM QUESTIONS) and you exam paper must be between 300-800 words. Be sure to cite specific examples from the text. Questions: Describe the role of violence in Solomon Northup’s narrative. Whom did it affect? Why? How? Offer specific examples. Which parts of Solomon Northup’s narrative startled or surprised you? Write about what struck you, and what you learned from the narrative.

REMEMBER: Your paper must be formatted correctly. This means use Arial or Times New Roman font, 22 point font, double-spaced. At the top of your paper, include your full name, your course number and section (HIS 121 OL1N), and the date that you are turning in the assignment.