This is my discussion post to correct and turn into 1 page and add one citation

This is my discussion post to correct and turn into 1 page and add one citation

This is my discussion post to correct and turn into 1 page and add one citation to the 1 page Each post must cite and reference at least one peer-reviewed source (a journal article published within the last 5 years) in APA 7th edition.
Hi Cal,
Are absolutely correct. Communities needs to work together. We, as healthcare, have to advocate for those who can’t afford themselves. But the local health department will have if any, increase in diseases or outbreaks that happen locally in your area. They will have press releases on their website to notify the public of any outbreak. Chronic obstruction disorder. COPD kills a lot of people in the US each year. Have you ever wondered what where it ranks of killing diseases in Virginia? Do you know what the leading cause of death is in In Virginia. COPD kills people each year.COPD is a preventable disease. If a patient has COPD, they can manage it so they can prevent Exacerbation. What type of care plan do you give your patients? And how compliant are they with those plans?
this is the student dissision post I had to reply to:
It is important in a community that everything works together. Within each of our communities we should be watching for certain factors of disease. If we notice several patients coming in with the same symptoms, if there is a chemical leak from a factory, if something has been recalled, these are things we need to know about to take better care of the patients we see. We as healthcare workers should always be alert for anything that is going to hurt ourselves or our patients.
A communicable disease that sticks out to me within the community I work and live is COPD. Many of the patients that I see have COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder) as one of their active problems. COPD is a lung disease that makes it to where the patient has restricted airflow and breathing issues. According to the WHO COPD is the third leading cause of death worldwide (World Health Organization, 2023). Within Southwest Virginia a majority of the population smokes, has worked in coal mines, works in factories with heavy smoke, therefore this population is at a higher risk for developing lung issues.
Within the three levels of prevention, primary, secondary, and tertiary how can we help prevent COPD. First through primary prevention, within primary prevention we are trying to intervene before the disease even occurs. This would include things like not smoking and staying away from secondhand smoke, exercising, eating healthy. Secondary prevention includes screenings to detect diseases at their earliest stage, for COPD this would include staying up to date on doctors’ appointments and testing. Tertiary prevention aims to reduce the impact of the disease once it is diagnosed. This would include making sure to use oxygen as prescribed and doing pulmonary exercises.
I live in Virginia and work right on the border between Virginia and Tennessee. I have not noticed any reporting issues in my state regarding COPD. When I researched it, I did find a letter from the Commonwealth of Virginia from July 2019 talking about elevated temperatures and how they could impact those with asthma and COPD (Respiratory Illness, 2019).