This is the final part of a three-part film analysis project. In this part, you

This is the final part of a three-part film analysis project. In this part, you

This is the final part of a three-part film analysis project. In this part, you will connect the past to the present. When you submit this assignment, you will be graded on the quality of all three parts. Use the feedback you received on the first two parts to improve your final product. Instructions Open the Word Document you submitted to Part 2. Remember that the paper should be typed with font 12, Times New Roman, 1 inch margin on each side. All page numbers should be listed on the bottom center area. Below the analysis you wrote in Part 2, describe the past-and-present link shown in the film. Do you see the past-and-present link in this film? For example, how do traditional family values change/not change in the 21st century? What contributes to such transformation? Cite a scene from the film to demonstrate this past-and-present link. Write a conclusion paragraph summarizing your analysis of the film. Use ASA in-text citations and add all references to your reference list. Submit your Word Document to this assignment. Grading Criteria All sections of your work will now be graded for quality. You will be graded on the accuracy and completeness of your answers, your ASA formatted citations and references, spelling/grammar, formatting, and length (minimum 3 pages, excluding the cover and reference pages). Your final paper will also be run through the Unicheck Plagiarism checker, as described in the Course Grading Policy. Refer to the attached rubric for more details.