this order is for an abstract of an essay should be (250 words). the actual essa

this order is for an abstract of an essay should be (250 words). the actual essa

this order is for an abstract of an essay should be (250 words). the actual essay is (2500) words is due may. I need someone to do both but starting with abstract because its due the 27th of march. the abstract should be related to the essay. for Essay questions:
1. What has been the most significant historiographical shift in the History of Medicine?
2. How does materia medica differ in different medical traditions? Refer to at least two different traditions in your response. 3. How are ideas of balance understood and applied?
4. Examine the significance of Galen, Hippocrates, Ibn Sina or Huangdi in the History of Medicine. 5. Explain the importance of religion in the practice of medicine with relation to at least two medical traditions. Descriiption of Assessment: Write an essay from the list of questions, doing research and going beyond the in class disucssions and readings. FORMATTING REQUIREMENTS
All submitted work must adhere to the following standards:
-Double spaced
-Font 12pt -Word count +/- 5% Word count includes footnotes but NOT the bibliography.
-The only approved formats are Microsoft Word (.doc; .docx) and Rich Text Format (.rtf) – sources should only be used from the attachment files below ONLY or from goldsmiths university library Please read the citation guidelines carefully and use either MHRA or Chicago style for your references.