This part of the Essay should be a 2-page essay: You are providing administrati

This part of the Essay should be a 2-page essay:
You are providing administrati

This part of the Essay should be a 2-page essay:
You are providing administrative assistance for a tech company who is the biggest sponsor of the New Tech International Conference. This year, the conference is being held in your city and you have been asked to be the Chair of the Planning Committee.
You have experience planning small-scale events, but nothing to this scale.
Although you are highly skilled, there are some elements of the project that you need to develop your knowledge. You have been given the assignment in collaboration with another professional, the co-chair, whose skills and experience complement your own.
As you and the co-chair continue to work on the planning, some conflicts begin to arise. First, during your weekly check-in meetings, you co-chair seems to challenge all of your ideas. It is making you feel unqualified for this task and you are getting very frustrated with the constant criticism.
Second, you are a little concerned with the spending of your co-chair. Some charges on the credit card do not seem appropriate for the event. Some of these include gift cards to restaurants, a $300 bottle of Scotch, and a laptop computer. It is possible that these could be prizes for the silent auction, but you didn’t discuss these items so you are little suspicious.
Create an action plan of how you will approach the following issues:
• Your confidence as a valued member and leader of this team
• How you will stay calm, and keep your composure in meetings where you feel unfairly criticized
• How you will deal with the ethics concern you have with your co-chair
• How these decisions and strategies demonstrate autonomy at the workplace.
This part of the essay should be a one-page essay:
You will write a 1 page paper on how initiative plays a role at work in the following areas:
• Teamwork
• Emotional intelligence
• Volunteering
• Mentoring
• Sharing knowledge and experience
• Reflecting on team performance
POV: The links below can be used for the essay;