This poem is about the dark times. But people don’t usually sing in the dark tim

This poem is about the dark times. But people don’t usually sing in the dark tim

This poem is about the dark times. But people don’t usually sing in the dark times, don’t they usually cry? So when I read this poem it reminded me of slavery. The slaves used to sing about the dark times they were suffering through when they were out in the fields doing heavy manual labor.
For your first paper, think about a dark time that u would like to have more information on. Choose three different things to
research under one thesis. Below are ex. of 3 different thesis’s. Choose one or make up your own..
Thesis: Dark times in history of mankind
1. bubonic plague
2. holocost
3 9/11
4. hurricane sandy
5 or what ever dark time you want to explore a little bit more in the history of mankind.
Thesis: women suffer through dark times more than men do.
1. still bornchild birth
2. post pardum depression
3. divorce
4. single motherhood
5.or any other subjects of darkness that women go through.
Thesis: The rap world has seen many periods of dark times
1. write about at least 3 rappers who were killed or went through darkness or
Thesis: The music world has gone through many periods of darkness
Then write about 3 different musicians, Michael Jackson, Whitney H., and …. Or who ever.
Please add evidence and a reference page