This reflection will be delivered orally in the format of a PowerPoint with Voic

This reflection will be delivered orally in the format of a PowerPoint with Voic

This reflection will be delivered orally in the format of a PowerPoint with Voiceover. The total recording should be 2-3 minutes in length. For this reflection: a) Analyze the importance of this project to your future career. b) In your own words, reflect on how this project meets the Course and Institutional outcomes as stated on the first page. Upload and submit your final reflection. Reflection Grading Criteria PowerPoint: • Slides are well organized, and the font color, size, and style are easy to read. • Slides are in bullet-point format and are not written in long paragraphs • Bullet points highlight the main points of the reflection questions Oral Presentation: • Voice should be clear and easy to understand • Tone of voice should be varied and use pauses effectively to emphasize important points • Vocal narration provides additional insight to PowerPoint slides in student’s own words. Student does not read verbatim from the slides. • Non-words (“Um,” “Uh,” “You Know”) are used sparingly and professional language is used. ****MUST INCLUDE VOICEOVER**** ******************THE TOPIC IS “Cutting Costs by Hiring a New Company to Handle the Laundry Service************