This week’s discussion is all about Newton’s Third Law. Make sure you’re comfort

This week’s discussion is all about Newton’s Third Law. Make sure you’re comfort

This week’s discussion is all about Newton’s Third Law. Make sure you’re comfortable with his third law before going in to discussion.
Find some objects that are experiencing forces. These objects can be real or virtual, and they can be at rest, moving, or even accelerating.
Take a picture of those objects (if they are in the real world) or grab a screenshot of the online objects, or sketch a drawing of some imaginary objects. Reply to this discussion with the photo you took/screenshot, and if it’s from a YouTube video, the link to the video with motion. Include a brief description of the scene and how the objects are moving (since pictures don’t always convey motion well).This part you are just providing an image to others. Really, nothing else here.
This initial reply is worth 5 points and is due February 23, 2024.
After posting your image, go find someone else’s image within this thread.
You will then download that image and draw on it with whatever program you can.Paint is ideal for this.
Any tablet/phone sketching/note taking app could do this.
If it’s difficult to download the image and draw on it, then just sketch it out yourself with pen and paper, and you will submit a photo/scan of your sketch.
Once you have someone else’s photo and the ability to mark it up, sketch every force pair you can find on it.You do not have to find every force pair that exists, just all of the ones you spot.
Provide a bit of explanation with each one.This should include information such as, what object is applying force to what other object.
What/why this might be the case.
The vector length should be the same for each vector in a pair.
Reply to the other student who’s picture you marked up with your force pair image.
This reply is worth 5 points and is due February 25, 2024.
Ensure you are subscribed to the discussion, so you remember to come back and view the replies to your post!
Grading: This discussion is due by the end of the day on February 25. You may post after it is due, however if you are late there will be a 10% penalty per day, up to a maximum of 50% off for over 5 days late. (That is, if you are 5 or more days late, you can still participate for half credit.)
Here is an example of what I’m looking for:
Student A submits the following photo: