Thoroughly read Chap. 4 and the posted articles on the Syllabus to prepare for o

Thoroughly read Chap. 4 and the posted articles on the Syllabus to prepare for o

Thoroughly read Chap. 4 and the posted articles on the Syllabus to prepare for our class session on Thursday regarding hiring, employment, and labor relations. Then post a very specific, detailed discussion in your own words (no quotes) to answer ONE of the following three questions below in this Forum (be sure to identify the question you select and respond to):
Q1: What types of questions would you ask job applicants during an interview to understand their ethics and integrity? List three questions you would include in the interview that will assist you in identifying these characteristics. How would you know they are being truthful, and that they will positively contribute to your workplace ethics?
Q2: How do the following ‘tools’ seem to assist companies in selecting ethical job candidates who seem to value integrity: polygraph test, reference checks, and personality tests? Which, if any, do you prefer or would not use, and why? Does a labor union organization impact your choice of tools? Why?
Q3: What does a company’s job-screening process tell you about their company ethics, importance of business integrity, and corporate compliance culture (give an example using a SHRM resource)? What aspects of job-screening (including AI) do you consider ‘unethical’ and why (cite an ethical theory to support your response)?
Grade points determined based on: clarity of response to question, and using our readings as research references.
Note: Employer Sought Skills handout is listed on our Canvas page for fun … we will talk more about it in class.
During class, we will also talk about AI & employment/hiring, including an exercise to find a business or organization hiring “mishap” (one that no one has selected for discussion in the Forum) to analyze in class on Thursday.
SF Magazine (July 2016): Hiring Ethical Employees:
SHRM & Labor Relations Issues: compliance/employment-law/pages/labor-relations-overview-2020.aspx
Workforce Readiness: acquisition/Pages/Workforce-Readiness-Resource-Page.aspx
AI & employment:
Hiring by Machine: