Topic/Problem: Higher incidence of substance abuse/dependence after surgery in a

Topic/Problem: Higher incidence of substance abuse/dependence after surgery in a

Topic/Problem: Higher incidence of substance abuse/dependence after surgery in adolescent/young adults
Interventions: multimodal therapy such as meditation, massages, sound therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and etc. PLEASE FILL OUT ATTACHED FORMS AS WELL.
Each student will submit a paper stating their research PICO question AND background/problem/purpose with specific aims, hypotheses, objectives, and significance in APA format. USE PICO(T) format
Transfer information here. Make sure to cite facts and statements as appropriate from your literature review and other sources. Introduction, Background and Problem Statement, Research Question and/or Hypothesis, Aim/Goals/or Objectives.
Literature Review
Each student contributes 2 solid paragraphs describing each of their three articles that were critiqued (quantitative, qualitative, literature/systematic review). This is not a summary of the critiques, rather you use the understanding you gain from the critiques to explain how the articles relate to your research question. What is important about them that you want to tell the reader about to justify your research?
Quantitative Research Article: Each student finds 1 quantitative article for the Literature Review of the research proposal. Use “critique form” of 1 quantitative article for research proposal and provide a summary Qualitative Research Article: Each student finds 1 Qualitative article for the Literature Review of the research proposal. Use “critique form” for 1 qualitative article for research proposal and provide a summary
Literature Review Critique of Articles. Literature Review or Systematic Review Research Article: Each student finds 1 literature review or systematic review article for the Literature Review of the research proposal. Use “critique form” for 1 literature or systematic review article for research proposal and provide a summary
Theoretical Framework
Describe the nursing theoretical model used for the research proposal. Explain how it was used to explore and explain the foundation of your proposal and hypothesis. If one of the team member’s theorist from Theory class fits, use it!
The Theoretical Framework. Give detailed descriiption of the Theoretical framework (1 page). Then Each student finds 1 article where chosen Theoretical Framework is used in a study related to aspects of their topic.
Research Design
Study Population or Sample
Data Collection Methods and Instruments
Study Period or Anticipated Timetable for Project
Ethical considerations
Resources required for the study
Conclusion/Future Implications
Pull together your proposal, confirming your belief in the value of the project to nursing which was outlined in your opening section.