Training Magazine is a 55-year-old professional development magazine written for

Training Magazine is a 55-year-old professional development magazine written for

Training Magazine is a 55-year-old professional development magazine written for training, Human Resources, and business management professionals in all industries that advocate training and workforce development as a business tool. Training also produces world-class conferences, expositions, and digital products that focus on job-related, employer-sponsored training and education in the working world. It also ranks and awards the top 100 companies in Learning and Development under the category of ‘Training APEX Awards.’ Top 100 Award winners are the organizations with the most successful learning and development programs in the world—and the Top 100 has been the premier learning industry awards program for 20 years.
Further below is a list of the top 5 companies out of the 100 winners in 2023. Choose any one company and as a team submit a 4-page (does not include the worksheet, title, and reference pages) write-up that answers the following questions about that company:
What makes this company great in learning and development?
Explain the relationship between training and the company’s business goals and objectives.
While synthesizing your thoughts and writing, apply critical concepts learned in Chapters 1 and 2. If theory integration is not done, you will lose points.
Note: Sub-title each section, do not write questions as is in the final paper. Remove all assignment instructions from the final submission.
Important assignment details- Please read before beginning the assignment.
Your assignment should have a cover page that includes (1) title, (2) date, (3) group number, and (4) group member names. Don’t forget to include the names of team member/s who did NOT contribute to the assignment.
This report should be typed using Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, with 1” margins, and be no longer than four (4) pages. This does NOT include the worksheet, title, and reference pages.
Your grade on the report will be based on your ability to critically analyze the topic and apply principles of training and development.
All written work that uses material from other sources (direct quotes, paraphrased sentences, images, etc.) MUST cite the source from which the work was drawn. Please use APA format for this bibliography. Plagiarized work (i.e., any uncited work that is not your own) will not be accepted.
All written assignments should be thoroughly proofread and polished for final submission.