Unit #1 Discussion PROMPT In this unit, you read Chapter 11 of J. D. Vance’s mem

Unit #1 Discussion PROMPT In this unit, you read Chapter 11 of J. D. Vance’s mem

Unit #1 Discussion PROMPT In this unit, you read Chapter 11 of J. D. Vance’s memoir Hillbilly Elegy and you read Lisa Pruitt’s critique of his book. Lisa Pruitt states that she really dislikes how the book, Hillbilly Elegy, negatively portrays low-income populations in small towns. Think about Short Essay #1, in which you chose a piece of media that you feel is representative of your hometown–positively or negatively. In general, do you think that our movies, tv shows, and literature portray locations accurately? Give examples of media that you enjoy and whether you believe that they are true depictions of their locations. After answering the previous question, also share whether you feel that our media helps or hurts in the fight against stereotypes and prejudices. REQUIREMENTS Students are required to write an initial post of 250+ words and responses of 100-200 words each. Students should thoughtfully respond through critical thinking and respectful discussion to at least three other students by the final deadline.