Using the topic (Alzheimers disease), complete the Flashcard Template (Word) )at

Using the topic (Alzheimers disease), complete the Flashcard Template (Word) )at

Using the topic (Alzheimers disease), complete the Flashcard Template (Word) )attached. It is important that you remember to include three scholarly/peer reviewed sources for references, less than 5 years old please.
These should be thorough in order to fully describe what’s happening, particularly the pathophysiology part.
So the disease process really should just be a descriiption of what is happening with that particular disease process. The pathophysiology, a lot of times, people get confused with that, and just provide a descriiption again. But this should really be a clear descriiption of the process of the disease.
So what you want to do is talk about how something goes from a normal state to a diseased state. For example with hypertension, you don’t just want to say hypertension is high blood pressure that can be caused by many factors. And then list some risk factors. That’s really more of a definition, as well as some of the risk factors.
Instead, you want to describe what is happening in the body that allows the blood pressure to elevate to begin with. So when you have normal blood pressure, what does that look like
And then what is happening that causes the blood pressure to be elevated
That is what you want to have for pathophysiology.