Using the video with my explanation about Romanesque vs. Gothic Architecture,

Using the video with my explanation about Romanesque vs. Gothic Architecture,

Using the video with my explanation about Romanesque vs. Gothic Architecture, and with the Power Points that I sent you:
1. Write a descriiption of the most important elements in a Romanesque buildings and another descriiption of a Gothic building: Orientation, plan, arches, vaults, windows,… Describe the section of a Gothic building
2. Reflection about the religion in that time: 11 & 12 century vs. 13th to 15th century. The way to approach to God.
3.According with the innovations in the Gothic, compare the interior of a Romanesque building vs. a Gothic one.
You have to write 3 pages in total, typed, 14 pt., 1.5 spaces.
Recording Lecture link: