Watch a YouTube documentary There’s Something in the Water and take good notes o
Watch a YouTube documentary There’s Something in the Water and take good notes on the questions below.
You will create an essay-style review that gives roughly equal coverage to the following topics.
Use these three sections as headers in your review.
1. Background Information
What is the director’s viewpoint and purpose in developing this documentary?
What are the most important arguments/conclusions presented in the documentary?
What are the basic premises, issues, or themes that emerge?
How does the film relate to the business discipline?
2. Critical Evaluation
Which parts of the documentary are most and least effective, and why?
How effectively does the documentary make its arguments?
How convincing is the evidence (e.g., factual, one-sided, sufficient, appropriate, controversial)?
Has relevant information been excluded or ignored?
3. Personal Reaction
What are your reactions to the information presented?
What has watching this documentary done for you or demonstrated to you?
Overall, do you agree or disagree with the main arguments/conclusions of the video?
What are the main takeaways/insights you learned from this documentary?