Watch this video: Influencer MarketingLinks to an external site.. (3:28) befor

Watch this video: Influencer MarketingLinks to an external site.. (3:28) befor

Watch this video: Influencer MarketingLinks to an external site.. (3:28) before completing the discussion.
Choose one or more of the major social media platforms and find an example of a traditional advertisement and influencer marketing. (Note: you can refer to your social media activity this week to review the platforms and their marketing reach.)
Describe your selections, including the name of the platform, and respond to the following:
Are the creative elements (words, visuals) of the ad(s) working together to deliver the intended message? Why or why not?
How credible is the influencer in marketing this product? Support your response.
Discuss a positive and negative aspect for a business when using a social media influencer to market their product or service.