We have just gotten through the American Revolution and discussed the writing of

We have just gotten through the American Revolution and discussed the writing of

We have just gotten through the American Revolution and discussed the writing of the Constitution. You have heard some of the troubles and discussions behind passing certain amendments and allowing other parts of the Constitution to exist. Taking these insights, I want you to apply your analytical and historical eye to today. Consider this a modern day Constitutional Convention. I want you to propose an amendment to the Constitution. Often discussions of amendments reflect contemporary issues of the populace. As you propose and discuss your amendment, make sure to support your discussion. Why would it be important to include it? What might the effects be? Is your proposed amendment one that was proposed before (there are lists online)? If so, why may it pass today and not back when it was originally proposed? What were the conditions it was proposed in (think wars, economic conditions, social/political upheaval)? Consider how the Founding Fathers would have supported and discussed any amendments they saw appropriate at the First Constitutional Convention.
I urge you to avoid using news stations as sources when possible. I want to see your analysis and thought process. If this were a constitutional convention in this discussion board, a century from now historians would read your discussions as primary sources. So use your observations, analysis, and critical thinking to propose something!
Your initial post should be 300 words. Often times when you start writing about something you are passionate about you can write much more I have found. Then, make sure to respond to two classmates with 100 words each. Go beyond “I agree” or “Good suggestion.” I want to see you critically engage and analyze the suggestions of one another. Do you think you could bundle some of your amendments together? That may be a question to consider. Keep the discussions civil.