Week 8: Final Timeline Instructions Submit the following for grading: 1. Your fi

Week 8:
Final Timeline
Submit the following for grading:
1. Your fi

Week 8:
Final Timeline
Submit the following for grading:
1. Your finished Timeline
2. Your list of sources for the Timeline
3. The peer reviews that you received in both week 4 and week 7 (2 total).
4. The peer reviews that you gave in both week 4 and week 7 (2 total).
NOTE: No credit will be given for the Timeline assignment without submission of the 4 peer reviews. No credit will be given without the list of sources used.
Timeline Video Walkthrough
Provide a link to the video walkthrough you developed explaining your timeline. Be sure that your video covers all the required points outlined in the Video Walkthrough Peer Review. These are:
1. includes your name and clearly shows your timeline;
2. describes at least 5 events, with 1 event from each major historical time period covered in this course;
3. describes the importance of each event;
4. provides a concluding statement or brief summary.