Welcome to Unit 3, where we will primarily focus on the government’s relationshi

Welcome to Unit 3, where we will primarily focus on the government’s relationshi

Welcome to Unit 3, where we will primarily focus on the government’s relationship with civil rights. In so doing, we will specifically examine the distinctive role of African American history, which occupies an integral position within the development of both US history and the US government. In addition to reading chapters 5 and 4, we will also watch a film in this unit, which you can access in the unit discussion. Based only on the textbook, answer 10 of the following questions. Answers should be 3-4 sentences and based only on the discussion in your book.
Use this link to access book https://assets.openstax.org/oscms-prodcms/media/documents/AmericanGovernment3e-WEB.pdf?_gl=1*l1j30x*_ga*MTc2MTUzNDIxOC4xNjc1MDk5Mjcw*_ga_T746F8B0QC*MTY4NjA5MTgzMS40LjAuMTY4NjA5MTgzNS41Ni4wLjA
1. What are civil rights? How are they different from civil liberties?
2. What is the Equal Protection Clause?
3. What is the Rational Basis Test?
4. In what ways did the federal government defend slavery?
5. What was the court’s ruling in the Dred Scott case? What was its significance?
6. What was Lincoln’s aim with the Emancipation Proclamation?
7. What was Reconstruction? What were its key features? Why and how did it end?
8. What were the Black Codes?
9. What were the Jim Crow laws?
10. What did the Supreme Court rule in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)? What was the significance of the case?